Divine Love Ministry

220 Synacia Dr. Mineral Bluff, Ga. 30559

please call ahead for information:

This is now a private healing facility, invitation only!


Private Spirtual Healing Sessions Available now!

If you are seeking spiritual growth or spiritual renewal, then you will want to spend some extra time considering which of our amazing spiritual sessions described will work best for you. Your Spirit guide will be happy to help in the selection and match you up with the very best healing session for you. We offer Reiki and Crystal healings. We offer energy body work on special request. Spiritual readings are recommended on the first visit but is not required. Guided meditation and prayer sessions available every day.

Restore Inner Peace in a spectacular natural setting

  • Discover new life tools through self work and group work in interactive sessions. Share with like-minded seekers.
  • Take time for quiet reflection, relaxation, walks, and exploration of the beautiful grounds.
  • Experience periods of silence and meditation.
  • Study the practical aspects of spirituality through classes, exercises, and journaling.
  • Enjoy the rejuvenating effects of a pure, serene, and spiritual environment that is a smoke free and alcohol free environment.

Call for your appt. today.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Change your mind, Change your life.

We all know someone or someones family that has cancer or has been affected by it. That is why I have chosen this topic today. The probable cause on a mental level is usally caused by deep hurt and long standing resentment.Sometimes it is also because of of deep secrets or grief eating away at the self.Carrying hatreds of some kind. The belief of "What's the use?" We can change this negative thinking and feeling by changing our minds. The body has an amazing way of healing itself. We have the power to do or be anything. Anything is possible with God. Whatever you choose that definiton to be. We are all created by one source. We are the oneness. Stand with me now and say "I lovingly forgive and release all of the past.I choose to fill my world with joy. I love and approve of myself." Try this mantra for 7 weeks repeated for 7 x's daily during the 7 weeks. It will help and it can not hurt.Stop believing in the "dis-ease".Don't give it any more power over you and put yourself on a spritual regiment of prayer and meditation daily. Change your mind, Change your life.God bless you all. Reverend Xylona

Monday, August 2, 2010

The Monkey and the River.

It is said a great Zen teacher asked an initiate to sit by a stream until he heard all the water had to teach. After days of bending his mind around the scene, a small monkey happened by, and, in one seeming bound of joy, splashed about in the stream. The initiate wept and returned to his teacher, who scolded him lovingly, " The monkey heard.You just listened."

As you move through your day, notice your interactions with others and with life around you.notice if you are watching what is happening or if you are a part of it.If you are watching, place your heart in the stream of what is before you, the way you might dip your hand in running waer. Do this by opening your heart with your outbreath and letting life in with your inbreath...watch and be..open and let in..listen and get wet.

It is time to enjoy your life, Blessings to all, Rev, Xylona
For more great ways to enhance your life read:
The book of awakening by Mark Nepo
Having the life you want by being present to the life you have.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Mudras for balancing energy

Set of four mudras for balancing energy that are used in a sequence.

Alternately touch the tips of each finger with the tip of your thumb. Keep each connected for a few seconds or longer and do for a few minutes total. Do this with both hands simultaneously.

This is a simple way of balancing your energy that you can do almost anywhere, while sitting, standing, walking, lying down.
The overall effect is that you get calmer, more relaxed and concentrated.
The separate mudras (hand positions) have the following effects:

Thumb touches tip of index finger
Opens the Root chakra, and moves more energy to the legs and lower body. Makes one calmer and more concentrated.

Thumb touches tip of middle finger
Fosters patience.

Thumb touches tip of ring finger
Energy, stability and self-confidence.

Thumb touches tip of pinky finger
Intuition and feeling.

This is a simple way of helping yourself stay calm and heal yourself in the process. Sending you peace, Reverend Xylona

Chakra Information

Introduction to the chakras

What chakras are and their psychological properties

Chakras are centers of energy, located on the midline of the body. There are seven of them, and they govern our psychological properties. The chakras located on the lower part of our body are our instinctual side, the highest ones our mental side.

Chakras on the midline of the bodyThe chakras can have various levels of activity. When they're "open," they're considered operative in a normal fashion.

Ideally, all chakras would contribute to our being. Our instincts would work together with our feelings and thinking. However, this is usually not the case. Some chakras are not open enough (being under-active), and to compensate, other chakras are over-active. The ideal state is where the chakras are balanced. To find out what the state of your chakras is, do the chakra test.

There exist lots of techniques to balance the chakras. Mostly techniques to open chakras are used. It makes no sense to try to make over-active chakras less active, as they are compensating for other chakras. To restore the compensation they'd be over-active again in no time. To stop them from compensating, the chakras they are compensating for must be opened. See the techniques to open chakras.

. 1 - Root chakra

The Root chakra is about being physically there and feeling at home in situations. If it is open, you feel grounded, stable and secure. You don't unnecessarily distrust people. You feel present in the here and now and connected to your physical body. You feel you have sufficient territory.

If you tend to be fearful or nervous, your Root chakra is probably under-active. You'd easily feel unwelcome.

If this chakra is over-active, you may be very materialistic and greedy. You're probably obsessed with being secure and resist change.

. 2 - Sacral chakra

The Sacral chakra is about feeling and sexuality. When it is open, your feelings flow freely, and are expressed without you being over-emotional. You are open to intimacy and you can be passionate and lively. You have no problems dealing with your sexuality.

If you tend to be stiff and unemotional or have a "poker face," the Sacral chakra is under-active. You're not very open to people.

If this chakra is over-active, you tend to be emotional all the time. You'll feel emotionally attached to people and you can be very sexual.

. 3 - Navel chakra

The Navel chakra is about asserting yourself in a group. When it is open, you feel in control and you have sufficient self esteem.

When the Navel chakra is under-active, you tend to be passive and indecisive. You're probably timid and don't get what you want.

If this chakra is over-active, you are domineering and probably even aggressive.

. 4 - Heart chakra

The Heart chakra is about love, kindness and affection. When it is open, you are compassionate and friendly, and you work at harmonious relationships.

When your Heart chakra is under-active, you are cold and distant.

If this chakra is over-active, you are suffocating people with your love and your love probably has quite selfish reasons.

. 5 - Throat chakra

The Throat chakra is about self-expression and talking. When it is open, you have no problems expressing yourself, and you might be doing so as an artist.

When this chakra is under-active, you tend not to speak much, and you probably are introverted and shy. Not speaking the truth may block this chakra.

If this chakra is over-active, you tend to speak too much, usually to domineer and keep people at a distance. You're a bad listener if this is the case.

. 6 - Third Eye chakra

The Third Eye chakra is about insight and visualization. When it is open, you have a good intuition. You may tend to fantasize.

If it is under-active, you're not very good at thinking for yourself, and you may tend to rely on authorities. You may be rigid in your thinking, relying on beliefs too much. You might even get confused easily.

If this chakra is over-active, you may live in a world of fantasy too much. In excessive cases halucinations are possible.

. 7 - Crown chakra

The Crown chakra is about wisdom and being one with the world. When this chakra is open, you are unprejudiced and quite aware of the world and yourself.

If it is under-active, you're not very aware of spirituality. You're probably quite rigid in your thinking.

If this chakra is over-active, you are probably intellectualizing things too much. You may be addicted to spirituality and are probably ignoring your bodily needs.

Go to this web site for a chakra test to find out your imbalances:

many blessings,Reverend Xylona

What is your dis-ease teaching you?

There is a lot of folks today that have dis-ease.Have you ever thought: what is this dis-ease teaching me? Is is past life Karma? Is is my thoughts? My DNA? Can I change that? What lessons do I still have to learn from this dis -comfort? Take time and talk to your dis-ease and find out what it is that you need to experience in this lifetime that will bring you closer to your higher self and be able to release old patterns of thinking and feeling. These dis-eases in your life can be healed and released if you so choose it.Today is the day to face up to the thoughts and feelings that created things you don't want.Today is the day to let go of the past hurts and free yourself to have the most perfect life the spirit has planned for you.If you need help with understanding please know that you are always a phone call away from someone who can be there for you. Today is the day when you can openly heal all dis-ease in your life and create what you do want. Many blessing! Reverend Xylona

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Nine Techniques for creating Practical miracles.

These are nine Techniques for creating practical miracles in your life today.










To find out more read Practical miracles for Mars and Venus. By, John Gray, Ph.D
Many blessings, Reverend Xylona

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Heal your body by changing your thoughts.

This is a list of problems that you may identify with and the probable cause and then the new thought pattern you can choose to heal it:

Inability to speak up for the self. Rebellion against authority.Belief in violence.
I release the pattern in me that created this.I am at peace.I am worth while.

Running from the self.Fear. Not knowing how to love the self.
I now discover how wonderful I am.I choose to love and enjoy myself.

Feeling defenseless and hopeless.Nobody cares.A strong belief in not being good enough. Denial of the self. Sexual guilt.
I am part of the universal design. I am important, and I am loved by life itself. I am powerful and capable. I love and appreciate all of myself.

"What's the use?" Feeling of futility, guilt, inadequacy.Self rejection.
I live in the now.Each moment is new, I choose to see my self-worth. I love and approve of myself.

Who are you allergic to? Denying your own power.
The world is a save and friendly.I am safe.I am at peace with life.

Not trusting the flow and the process of life.
I love and approve of myself and trust the process of life. I am safe.

Feeling unloved.Criticism, resentment.
I am love. I now choose to love and approve of myself.I see others with love.

Back problems:
Represents the support of life.
I know that life supports me.

Deep hurt.long-standing resentment.Deep secret or grief eating away at the self. Carrying hatreds."what's the use?"
I lovingly forgive and release all of the past. I choose to fill my world with joy.I love and approve of myself.

Anger you feel you don't have a right to have. Hopelessness.
I now go beyond other people's fears and limitations.I create my life.

This is only a sample of how to change your thought patterns to heal your body. This came from a lovely book called " Heal your body A-Z " by Louise L. Hey.
The mental causes for physical illness and the way to overcome them.

If you have a question about an illness or a pain you might have just use the comment box below this post and I will look it up for you and do my best to guide you through the process of your release and your transformation to a more healthy balanced peace of mind body and soul.
Brightest blessing to you all, Reverend Xylona

Monday, July 19, 2010

How to handle emotional situations

This is a magnificent way to handle an emotional situation:

"Alright, I know what is going on, I'm not getting caught in this one, I know there is something here for me to learn, and something here for me to change.I believe that I am guided and that I am following a blueprint, so I will check out what is in this for me by not judging it and by going with the flow. I request that all my changes come in joy and safety and harmony. This is my decree. Everything in my evolution I am intending is covered by that.I experience joy, safety and harmony, so I will go with this energy and see what is changing for me and what I need to give up"

If you need help just let me know...you are not alone...peace n love, Reverend Xylona

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Words of wisdom from the stars.

Sometimes the greatest enlightenment lies in the greatest difficulties. Get clear on what you want, order it, and be done with it.Trust that it will come. Eliminate the words SHOULD and TRYING from your vocabulary. Should implies that you are operating under someone else's sovereignty.Trying is not doing. Remember: I AM CREATING... I AM DOING...I AM MANIFESTING...I AM INTENDING...I AM BRINGING ABOUT...THERE IS NO LIMITATION...I AM EFFORTLESSLY INTENDING THAT THIS COMES ABOUT...Your reality is a result of your thoughts. When you believe things are possible, reality changes. You create your reality by your thoughts. LIVE YOUR LIGHT! THIS IS WHAT I BELIEVE! THIS IS WHAT I LIVE.I DON'T BELIEVE IN COLDS I DON'T USE MY BODY FOR SICKNESS!I AM DIVINELY GUIDED!I AM INTENDING AN ACCELERATION! I AM INTENDING THAT I WORK THROUGH AN UPLIFTING CAPACITY AND I WILL TAKE A CHANCE ON THIS! Trust your feelings, if you think something it is.To my guides and all those who are assisting me in my evolutionary journey on earth: IT IS MY INTENTION THAT I BECOME SUCCESSFUL. IT IS MY INTENTION THAT I RECEIVE LOVE AND GIVE LOVE IN ALL THINGS THAT I DO.IT IS MY INTENTION THAT I HAVE A GOOD TIME AND THAT I BE PROVIDED FOR WITH PROSPERITY ACCORDING TO MY NEEDS.IT IS MY INTENTION THAT I NOT BECOME OVERLY ENAMORED OF THE MATERIAL WORLD.these words I share with you today from exerts of Bringers of the Dawn.We got alot of work to do for spirit,to bring the light to this planet. Get to work light workers!Start with yourselves first.If you have any questions or need some support on your journey let someone know...thats what I am here for...peace n love, Reverend Xylona

Monday, July 12, 2010


Thank you spirit for giving me the power to forgive. Jesus was the best master of forgiveness I have ever heard of. They beat him, spit on him, cursed him and then nailed him to a cross to die.He said, " Father forgive them for they know not what they do." He knew that these folks were unconscious. Hey, if he can forgive those folks for all that I can forgive someone for lying, stealing, hurting my feelings; even forgive them for worse things.The hardest thing I ever had to forgive was my father for killing my mother.I am not saying its easy and I am not saying that you should keep some of these folks in your life.It took me about 20 yrs to forgive my father.I am saying that forgiveness releases it from your heart and you are free to love unconditionally those folks who are still walking around unconscious to God (LOVE). When someone wrongs you they are doing wrong to themselves not you. Say these powerful words: "Forgive them father for they know not what they do."and then hand them over to whatever God will take them. Release all attachment to the emotion that hurts you and ask the spirit to guide you safely through the healing process.Forgiveness is not about them it is about you and your conscious effort to walk in the truth and the light of the spirit of Peace. God bless you all and know that I am a phone call away if you need guidance or just someone to talk to. Peace and Love, Reverend Xylona

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The seven pillars of wisdom

In Proverbs 9, wisdom sends out her handmaidens to invite everyone to her feast of wisdom. These seven virgins are the assessors of wisdom.This was later transformed into the seven liberal arts.
The liberal Arts: their exponents: Planetary sphere:
Grammar Donatus Moon
Dialectic Aristotle Mercury
Rhetoric Cirero Venus
Music Pythagoras Sun
Arithmetic Pythagorus Mars
Geometry Euclid Jupiter
Astronomy Ptolemy Saturn
The purification of the soul through the seven planetary experiences was common to many cultures and traditions. This spiritual journey become a mundane study;an ascent through the seven academic studies necessary for complete wisdom.
The seven planetary powers of pagan tradition become the seven gifts of the spirit of Christianity:
Wisdom,Understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety,the fear of God. These qualities are also found in the Tree of Life.
If you have any questions please call Reverend Xylona 706-374-4058

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A Spirit guided life.

Everyday you are faced with life choices and life challenges. Everyday if you choose to let the spirit guide you in the right direction you are more at peace in each moment no matter what happens to you or what you experience.If something comes up and you feel like you cannot handle it. Stop! Take a deep breath and then be real still. Ask for guidance. Then listen. Take a minute to regroup. You can handle this because your not in control, the spirit is. Stay in the NOW! Say to yourself:"I am safe! I am protected! I am guided by the spirit to be in the right place at the right time with the right folks for the right reason." A spirit guided life is the key to having the peace and love you desire so much in your life. If you need help with this in your life just ask. Ask and Ye shall receive. God bless you all. Peace n love, Reverend Xylona

Friday, June 25, 2010

Spiritual Discipline

We all must have spiritual discipline if we are to ever truly find happiness.Every morning start your day with a prayer of thanksgiving and then sit silently listening for the spirit to start your day with peaceful thoughts.Find time through out the day to take time for yourself to sit in silence and give your thoughts a rest. Relax yourself before sleep every night with prayer and meditation. Constantly remind yourself that you are at peace in every moment. Discipline your mind to prayer and meditation daily and you will see a difference in your life because you will have peace and happiness.There are many guidance tools you can use if you need help learning how to pray or meditate.Use affirmations or self help tapes or cds, whatever works for you just do it.
If you need assistance or encouragement ....ask.... ask and ye shall receive...get on the path today to finding your peace by being spiritually disciplined.
God bless you and so it is. Reverend Xylona

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Special Thanks for Donations

Special thanks To:

Robin Tondra from Fernandina beach Fla. $100.00 donation

Terry Rutlidge from Douglasville, Ga. $50.00 donation.

Thank you ladies for your kind and generous donations to Divine Love Ministry.
We are so grateful for your support of the project.
Bless you and please keep the donations coming we can't do it with out you all.

Please send donations to 220 synacia dr.Mineral Bluff, Ga. 30559
We are accepting donations of cash, check, household goods, food, building materials and gardening tools & such. Thanks again and please come by the ministry to see what we are doing or even volunteer, we can always use the help. Blessed Be! Reverend Xylona

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Special Thanks

I would like to thank all the special people that have helped and are still helping this ministry to grow and prosper.We couldn't do this project without you all.
Thanks to:
Xandra for believing in mommy and loving me unconditionally
Joshua for all his hard work and for believing in me.
Mama Sue for all her hard work & devotion to the ministry.
Daddy Art for his undying support of me & my ministry.
Peanut & Amanda for all the donations of clothes, household goods & blankets.
Mr.Ken for his computer knowledge and his determination to find ways to support the ministry.
Mr.Brian for all his hard work & support.
Ms. Marci for all her love and support always.

And thanks to all of you others that are not named here ....we love you all and are very grateful for everything you do.Bless you all, Reverend Xylona

Monday, June 7, 2010

The power of Prayer

Most of us all our lives have said or heard this prayer. Do you know what it really means for you and your health, your life, your family and your well being? Here is an insight to the power of this prayer.

The Lords Prayer

Our Father which art in heaven,(this is a direct line to the pituitary center it is used to connect to the oneness)
hallowed be thy name.(feel the Christ presence with in you)
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.(this addresses the upper 3 centers confirming God within ourselves)
Give us this day our daily bread.(this part of the prayer ask that we only take on as much energy as we can handle)
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.( this focuses on the solar plexus and teaches us to forgiveness.)
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:(do not allow the energy to stay here only believe in the oneness not duality.Evil is the lack of love.)
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever.( this affirms the God within,we are moving forward in consciousness)
Amen - Matt. 6:9-13

If you would like more information on this prayer or others please contact Reverend Xylona
Thank you and Blessed Be!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

I Am Affrimations

Affirmations will help you to empower yourself. Say each affirmation 3x's each daily.This could change your life and certainly your attitude:

I am always looking for good people in my life and I find them.
I am always in the right place at the right time doing the right thing for the right reasons.
I am surrounded by pure white light of love.
I am always honest with myself about my motives and ulterior motives.
I am self confident.
I am happy and joyful.
I am relaxed.
I am safe.
I am lovable.
I am whole.
I am a gentle spirit.
I am a wise soul.
I am trustworthy.
I am perceptive.
I am intuitive.
I am understanding.
I am compassionate.
I am a good listener.
I am charming.
I am Patient with myself and others. I am self disciplined.
I am the creator and master controller of my emotions.

Try these affirmations for 30 days....do them at least 3x's a day.....please let me know what your experiences are, and feel free to add more of your own or if you would like more info please contact Rev, Xylona

Monday, May 31, 2010

Attitude of Gratitude

Even when times are hard; find something to be grateful for. Make a list of all the things that you can be thankful for in your life.Have an attitude of gratitude.When someone ask how you are doing say: "I am wonderful" or " I am grateful to be alive". Remember that " I AM" is the name of GOD. Whatever you place behind those two words is what you are calling God. I am grateful, I am well. I am free. Be grateful for your health, your family, your home, the air you breath, the food you eat. Have an attitude of gratitude and see if things change for you. Change your perception and the world will change for you. I am grateful for all of you that care enough about yourself to follow this blog. May you all be truly blessed. Peace and love, Reverend Xylona

Friday, May 28, 2010

How do I stay sane when the world is sometimes insane?

How do I stay sane when the world is sometimes insane? That is an excellent question.The answer is in the question itself.The world is sometimes insane. Be in the world not of it. Sometimes we all have insane moments.Thats what the world is created of sometimes. Lots of folks having insane moments sometimes at the same time. Sometimes its even hard to hold all that energy IN so it must go SANE.What goes around comes around always.So just be true to yourself amidst all the insanity.Whatever that truth may be. Anger is an expression of an emotion that can be insanity.Jesus had righteous anger when he overturned the tables at the Temple. When you know that someone has created insanity in your Temple turn the tables on them.Let them know to STOP THE INSANITY!!!!!!! You choose peace rather than this. Thats how you stay sane in a world that sometimes is insane. God bless you all and may peace fill your life so that no more insane moments clutter your joy. Peace, Rev, x

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Power of Positive Thinking

The power of positive thinking is an amazing power to have. It could actually save your life, improve your health and increase your wealth. If you believe that everything is ok then everything is ok. Prayer and meditation are two very important tools to positive thinking. This keeps the mind calm and at peace with the world around you. Prayer is when you talk to the spirit and meditation is when you listen. If you have something on your mind and your mind has all these negative outcomes, STOP! STOP THINKING! Shut down the thinking immediately, take a deep breath, as you breathe in think the word "so" and when you breath out think the word "hum". This will immediately relax you and you can begin again. If a negative thought comes in, dismiss it and continue to breath slowly in and out. Ask for guidance. Then listen. The spirit is you. You are the spirit. Be the oneness. Go to that place where there is no thought and know that everything is ok you are not alone and that there is always a spiritual solution to every problem. If you need extra help say a mantra or repeat the Om sound (sound of God). And if you still need help please feel free to call and set up an appointment with a spiritual counselor or healer. Positive thinking is the way to go to start on a new journey everyday. Peace and love, Rev, x

Monday, May 24, 2010

Spiritual guidance

In todays world we all have struggled with things that seem to be so out of our control. The good thing is that you can actually control a lot more than you think. We have the power to control our own thoughts. Thoughts become words and words become actions and actions become deeds and then deeds become your character and then your character becomes your destiny.
Remember :
Right thought ,
Right word ,
Right deed ,
Right action ,
Right on.
Find time to spend with your spirit today. Be still and know I am.
Peace and love to you all.
Blessed Be,
Reverend, Xylona

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Heavenly Creations by Divine Love Ministry

Please Visit our site that shows you our Heavenly Creations.

All proceeds go to Divine Love Ministry.


Divine Love Ministry brings you the Temple of Peace.

Welcome to the Divine Love Ministry Blog.
Thank you for reading along.
I am Reverend Xylona.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with my ministry please allow me to introduce myself.
I am here on this planet to help others.
I started this ministry to help those around me that need food, shelter, money, company, friendship and the healing power of love.
I am a Reiki master and spiritual counselor and healor. I wanted to start this blog to help others. So if you would like to join me in healing yourself and others I would so love the company.
Join us @The Temple of Peace.
contact us for more information if you would like to be a volunteer.
Blessed Be . Reverend Xylona

Healing Table

Healing Table
Call for an appointment for a spiritual healing.

Amethyst Tree

Amethyst Tree
This Amethyst Tree sits next to the steps leading to the first campsite.

Prayer bench

Prayer bench
The power of prayer can change your life.